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If you love challenges and engaging with a dynamic and growing company, you are the right fit for us.

Se ami le sfide e vuoi confrontarti con una realtà dinamica e in continua crescita, sei il profilo giusto per noi.

Let's grow stronger, together

We foster the development and professionalism of people by enhancing the talents, skills and uniqueness of individuals, with a listening approach. We support our people in their journey and foster a positive work environment that values them individually and facilitates their participation. Pride, belonging, happiness, care, cohesion, feelings: these are the foundational elements of our identity, our collective soul.







Our behavioral model

We foster the development and professionalism of people by enhancing the talents, skills and uniqueness of individuals, with a listening approach. We support our people in their journey and foster a positive work environment that values them individually and facilitates their participation. Pride, belonging, happiness, care, cohesion, feelings: these are the foundational elements of our identity, our collective soul.
Energy - Initiative and proactivity

Energy - Initiative and proactivity

The achievement of business results and the quality of those results cannot be separated from the ability of each person to approach his or her work with energy, curiosity, tenacity for improvement, and drive towards innovation and courage.

Energize - Collaboration & Team Spirit

Energize - Collaboration & Team Spirit

The ability to work in an integrated way ensures better results. Constant dialogue and awareness of others' needs ensure the overview needed to operate quickly and effectively.

Drive - Focalizzazione & decisione

Drive - Focalizzazione & decisione

It is essential to be able to identify the priorities on which to focus effort and energy, weighing risks and opportunities, and taking responsibility for decision-making with speed and awareness.

Achieve - Excellence & Results

Achieve - Excellence & Results

To stand out in a competitive, complex, and evolving market, it is necessary to always strive for excellence. This can only be achieved through everyone's constant contribution in accordance with ethical principles.

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Via Bocchetto 6,
20123, Milan MI


Piazza San Bernardo, 101
00187 Rome RM

Palermo - representative office

Via Mazzini 22,
90139 Palermo PA

Napoli - Ufficio di rappresentanza

c/o Centro Direzionale,
80143 Napoli NA, Isola E2, scala B
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2022 Banca Progetto S.p.A. - Registered Office and General Management in Milan, Via Bocchetto, 6, 20123 Tax Code, VAT No. and Registration Number with the Milan Register of Companies 02261070136 - Member of the Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi [Interbank Deposit Protection Fund], the Fondo Nazionale di Garanzia [National Guarantee Fund] and the Arbitro Bancario Finanziario [Banking and Financial Arbitrator] (ABF) - Registered with the Banks Register under No. 5332 - ABI [Italian Banking Association] Code 5015 Share Capital € 10,404,418.17 fully paid up