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Conto Key

Characteristics of Conto Key

Home Banking

Time Deposits

Nexi card and payments


What is Conto Key?

Who can open Conto Key?

How do I open Conto Key?

Can I jointly register Conto Key?

How many Conto Key accounts can I open?

Can I open Conto Progetto with a connected legal guardian/support administrator?

Can a resident abroad open Conto Key?

What is the Qualified Electronic Signature (FEQ) service?

How much does the Qualified Electronic Signature cost?

Can I exercise the right to change my mind within 14 days of opening Conto Key?

How can I close Conto Key?

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2022 Banca Progetto S.p.A. - Registered Office and General Management in Milan, Via Bocchetto, 6, 20123 Tax Code, VAT No. and Registration Number with the Milan Register of Companies 02261070136 - Member of the Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi [Interbank Deposit Protection Fund], the Fondo Nazionale di Garanzia [National Guarantee Fund] and the Arbitro Bancario Finanziario [Banking and Financial Arbitrator] (ABF) - Registered with the Banks Register under No. 5332 - ABI [Italian Banking Association] Code 5015 Share Capital € 10,404,418.17 fully paid up